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Releasing Fears & Negative Self Beliefs 

"I am so grateful to have had the opportunity of working with Emma. Before we worked together, I was so fearful about so many things, mainly starting my business and getting it up and running. Emma helped me literally clear these fears and replace my negative self beliefs with empowering ones. I am so happy to say that now I am clear about what I want with my business and I don't have that fear. I am excited to move forward and I can't recommend her enough. Thank you Emma so much!"

~ Jasper 

"Emma is a gift to this world. She helped me see things I couldn't see myself. With her professionalism and down to earth presence she coached me into helping release limiting beliefs that I was sure I had already worked on. Diving deep in to the root causes in my unconscious mind she has helped shift my mindset and life for the better. Now I show up confidently in all that I do and no longer dim my light. I would recommend to everyone to have an opportunity to receive her magic."

~ Sammy

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Positive Habit Formation

"I had a few bad habits with alcohol and eating certain foods. I hadn't tried hypnotherapy before and right away after the first session I felt like I had the control back in my head again. Our work also got me on a track of exercising more frequently, intermittent fasting and put me down the path that I was looking to go. I have seen quite a bit of progress in my self, feeling better, better physical shape, better mental clarity and better mental awareness of those things habits I have been trying to get away from. I am very happy with the results. I highly recommend giving hypnotherapy and Emma a try! There's nothing to lose and everything to gain. You won't regret it!"



“Emma was so amazing in our session. I feel she truly helped me breakthrough my limited beliefs that have been holding me back my whole life.  I was able to release what truly doesn’t serve me, to make space for new abundance. She also helped me kick a unhealthy habit of craving Chick-fil-A! I leaned on this meal as a comfort thing and through our session, I was able to let go of this habit/craving. It was a powerful session and life changing. I would highly recommend that you work with Emma!” ~Karissa 

"I am so grateful for Emma's work. Emma has helped me with a number of positive changes in my life though most recently Emma helped me change unwanted habits of social media scrolling. I found myself unproductive and depressed but could not seem to stop checking Instagram. After working with Emma I know have regained my time and happiness allowing me to focus on things more fulfilling. Hypnotherapy is relaxing and easy and the results are quick and long lasting. I feel like I have more control back."

~ Chris


Emotional Clearing, Joy Building and Inner-Child Work

"I started working with Emma 2 months ago. I had never done hypnosis before. The experience I had of doing hypnosis was a lot deeper faster than other practices that I have done such as trancework and meditation. I feel like it specifically targeted psychological and emotional elements that I was having a hard time accessing in other practices. I tend to feel much better directly after I have the experience and I do feel like there are lasting impacts overtime in terms of how my thoughts and emotional processing are present in my day to day life. It's been wonderful!" 


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"I have never done hypnosis before and I feel a lot clearer after the session. I was really surprised at how my throat in the beginning felt tight and blocked and afterwards I felt really clear and felt like speaking more and not as nervous. It feels really cool and I would highly recommend it! It's quick, it's painless and really impactful. Thank you Emma!"

~ Kate

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